Competition Form :

Elimination Round (Offline)
The preliminary round is carried out in the form of a written test for each team member. The questions can be accessed via the link listed on the participant's ticket which has already made a payment and has been worked on by the committee. In the preliminary round there are two packages of multiple choice questions with 50 questions per package. The scoring system uses the classic system with details:
+5 for correct answer
-2 for wrong answer
-1 for blank/no answer

Semifinal Round (Offline)
The semifinal round is held with a team system. Consists of 2 rounds: The first round is a round of short answer questions aimed at each team, the second round is a round of scramble questions aimed at all teams.

Final Round (Offline)
Done in groups. Consisting of 3 rounds: The first round is a true-false question that is shown to each team. The second round is a short fill in for each team, the third round is for randomization for all teams.

Registration Fee

Batch I  :Rp90.000,-/Team

Batch II :Rp100.000,-/Team

Attention!! There is a promo voucher "Pay 10 Get 1 Free" free of registration for 1 Participant for SMA/MA who have registered 3 Teams.
note. This promo applies multiples, for example:
Register for 10 participants, free vouchers for 1 participant
Register for 20 participants, free vouchers for 2 participants
Register for 30 participants, free vouchers for 3 participants

*For schools that wish to claim the promo voucher above, it is hoped that the accompanying teacher can contact one of the contact persons below.

Contact Person:

  1. Fadillah Vania   (081268139406)
  2. Rani Fatmawati (083164805073)

*It is expected that prospective participants read the competition guidelines before registering